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These Conditions apply to all guests of the Hotel.


Guests may book in advance or on arrival.
Rooms are subject to availability.
The Hotel reserves the right to refuse any booking for any reason.

Check-in & Check-out Times

Guests may check-in at any time from 3.00 p.m. on day of arrival.
On departure, guests must vacate their rooms and check-out by no later than 10:00 am.
Failure to check-out before 10:00am will entitle the Hotel to charge for an additional night.


  • Credit is required to check in

  • Guests must pay for their reservation in advance of their stay and all outstanding charges on departure.

  • Guests are liable for any damage they cause to the Hotel property


Your reservation confirmation will contain the cancellation policy that applies to your reservation.


In the unlikely event that The Springfield Fairbourne does not, for any reason have the required number and types of rooms available as per the Booking, The Springfield Fairbourne reserves the right to relocate the Client to alternative accommodation.
The extra and reasonable accommodation expenses incurred for alternative accommodation (for the first night only) shall at the The Springfield Fairbourne's discretion, which will normally be exercised in favour of the Client, be borne by The Springfield Fairbourne.
The acceptance of this obligation (which will not release the Client of the obligation to pay the The Springfield Fairbourne the relevant Charges) shall be in lieu of all other liabilities or obligations, which are hereby expressly excluded.

Right of Refusal

The Springfield Fairbourne reserves the right to refuse a guest entry and accommodation if, on arrival, management reasonably considers that the guest is under the influence of drink or drugs, is unsuitably dressed or is behaving in a threatening, abusive or otherwise unacceptable manner.


The Springfield Fairbourne reserves the right to require a guest to leave if he/she is causing a disturbance, annoying other guests or staff or is behaving in an unacceptable manner.

Premises Rules

Guests shall comply with all reasonable rules and procedures in effect at the premises, including but not limited to health and safety and security procedures and statutory requirements as to registration.

Losses, Liabilities etc.

Guests must report any loss of or damage to their property immediately on discovery to The Springfield Fairbourne and shall make themselves available to assist with any reports made by The Springfield Fairbourne to the police.
The Springfield Fairbourne shall not be liable to a guest for any loss or damage to property caused by the misconduct or negligence of a guest or an Act of God, or where the guest remains in exclusive charge of the property concerned.
The Springfield Fairbourne shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing any of its obligations under this Agreement if the failure or delay was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including (without limitation) war or threat of war, civil or political action or disturbance, riot, natural disaster, fire, epidemic, bad weather, terrorist activity (threatened or actual), military activity, governmental or regulatory action, industrial dispute, act of God, failure of power or machinery, failure of or interruption in externally provided services and utilities, and all similar events outside The Springfield Fairbourne's control.
Whilst all reasonable efforts have been taken by The Springfield Fairbourne to ensure that Bookings made under this Agreement are able to proceed, The Springfield Fairbourne reserves the right to relocate any Booking to another hotel of similar size and standard. The Client acknowledges that The Springfield Fairbourne accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by or caused to the Client in consequence of the relocation of the Client.
Guests will be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury they may cause at The Springfield Fairbourne.
These Conditions shall be governed by English law, and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.

Damage to property

We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of rectifying damage, caused by the deliberate, negligent or reckless act of the guest to the premises property or structure.
Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.
We will however make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contracting specialists to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs that the guest would incur to a minimum.

Removal of property

We reserve the right to charge guests the cost of replacing any items that are removed from the premises by them without consent.
The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing item, including any carriage charges.
Should the fact that the item is missing come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.

Tampering with fire detection systems and fire fighting equipment

We reserve the right to take action against any guest found to have tampered / interfered with any fire detection equipment throughout the hotel, including detector heads in public areas and bedrooms, break glass points and fire extinguishers.
Guests found to have tampered with any fire detection or fire fighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the hotel due to their actions and additionally may be asked to leave the premises. Depending on the severity of the guest actions, the Police may become involved at the management discretion.
Should the fact that fire fighting or detection equipment had been tampered with come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right to make a charge to the guests credit / debit card, or send an invoice for the amount to the registered address.



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